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NoniGia FAQ's

Q: There are many different brands of noni juice on the market today. What makes bHIP Global's Noni GIA different?
A: Since exposure to sunshine and air will lower the nutrition level in noni juice, Noni GIA is offered in single-serve packs of noni juice powder, so that you can prepare it every time before using to avoid unnecessary nutritional loss. Moreover, our noni juice powder is extracted in Tahiti and shipped to the United States for product processing. It is completely safe and reliable. These are what separate this particular brand of noni juice powder from the hundreds of other noni products on the market.
Q: Any more health benefits of drinking noni juice?
A: It can help improve asthma, cancer, rheumatism, arthritis, diabetes, pain, headache, liver diseases, kidney diseases, immune system, lupus, digestive system, endocrine disorders, prostate disorders, toothache, hair and nail problems, high blood pressure, tumor, pulmonary tuberculosis, thyroid disorders, hemorrhoids, bleeding gums, spur, constipation, allergies, amnesia, decreased sexual ability, depression, smoking cessation etc.
In addition, noni juice is naturally rich in minerals and vitamins essential to the human body. It is easy for absorption and crucial for health care.

Q: Who should use Noni GIA?
A: Noni GIA is extracted from 100% organic noni fruits. It is 100% natural and developed for everyone to enjoy.
Q: Is Noni GIA safe for children, pregnant women and patients?
A: It is not suggested for children under 10, as their organs and bodies are in development stages and not suitable for excessive nutrient intake. Use half dose for children aged over 10. Consult your health care professional prior to use if you are pregnant or have any known medical condition.
Q: When should use Noni GIA for best results?
A: Use it before meals, or after meals if you have gastric diseases. 

Q: Will there be any so-called “detox reactions” after drinking noni juice?
A: A handful of individuals have reported a slight red rash that passes in a few days. This is the so-called “detox reaction”. Just like cleaning up your room and sweeping the dust, your room will become fresh and clean afterwards. 




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